Identification and Microscopic Classification of Microplastics in Beach Sediment Sample at Dadar Chowpatty
microplastics, sediments, pollutants, Chemical pollutants,, nonbiodegradableAbstract
The current study involves the design of a feasible solution for cleaning beach sediments off microplastics. The results of this study will help spread awareness about this micro-menace threatening our societies. It also focuses on otherwise neglected and invisible aspects of plastic pollution. These findings may open up new avenues for research in this area. The long-term impacts of this study may involve the conservation of food quality in fisheries and ecosystems along the coast of Mumbai. During sampling, it was observed that the Dadar Beach was relatively less polluted or disturbed. Albeit having a beach that looks clean and does not look like has a plastic pollution issue, the study results clearly indicate exactly the opposite. The results show that various microplastic particles were identified across the length of the beach and that transect 1, which is shielded by rock reclamation debris, is less affected by active wave action and shows a lower density of microplastics than transect 2, which is readily subjected to active wave action. Based on the major microplastics found in sand, the presence of filaments and disintegration in large quantities, along with foam, can be attributed to fishing activities occurring in nearby oceans, along with some washed off disintegrated plastics whose source cannot be identified.
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