Properties and Applications of Polymer Composites
energy storage, mechanical strength, dielectric, Polymer, compositesAbstract
This review describes the properties and applications of polymer composites. In the area of energy storage, different solutions are required due to the scarcity of traditional energy sources. Polymer composite materials have seen a notable surge in research attention in recent years as a means of addressing these problems. The development of materials with high dielectric permittivity is critically needed as the demands for an affordable, high-efficiency capacitive storage system rise. Dielectric polymers (PVDF and Polystyrene) are useful for electrostatic energy storage as they have high melting and boiling point and high breakdown strength. However, the expanding demands of production and living cannot be met by pure PVDF. They are limited in their application in harsh-environment electronic devices, circuits, and systems due to their low energy density and poor efficiency at high temperatures. The incorporation of various fillers into a polymer matrix with a high breakdown field in dielectric polymer composites has garnered noteworthy interest from research community. Several critical elements, including the composite structure, the type and morphologies of the filler, the interfacial engineering, and the polymer matrix selection, all affect the energy storage performance. Excellent (dielectric, optical, chemical, electrical, thermal, and mechanical) properties have been provided by the composites of bismuth oxide and PVDF (BO/PVDF) and bismuth oxide and carbon nanotubes (BO-CNT/PVDF). Dielectric permittivity of polymer composites increases with increasing filler concentration and decrease with frequency of applied external field. Polymer composite materials are useful in energy storage and generation, packaging, defense system, electromagnetic shielding, sensors, coating, drug delivery, information technology etc. There are numerous varieties of polymer composite materials, so further investigation into these materials will be crucial to advancing our understanding of energy-storage materials.
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