Medicinal Plants Utilized in Marketed Anti-Arthritic Formulations


  • Bhawna Pareek Department of Chemistry, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Haryana 133207, India Author
  • Manisha Bhatia MM College of Pharmacy, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University), Haryana 133207, India Author
  •  Kunal MM College of Pharmacy, Maharishi Markandeshwar (Deemed to be University) Haryana, India  Author



Arthritis, Herbal Formulations, Natural plants, Synthetic drugs


Nature has blessed us with enormous wealth of herbal plants used as a source of therapeutic agent. The phytochemistry in medicines represents one of the most important applications of scientific knowledge for betterment of mankind. India has a vast variety of plant materials whose study may be beneficial to alleviate human suffering and also as a source of national wealth. Plants and other natural substances have been used as the rich source of medicine. All ancient civilizations have documented medicinal uses of plant in their own ethno botanical texts. The list of drugs obtained from plant source is fairly extensive. Major thrust by whole of the pharmaceutical industry is focused towards design and development of new plant based drugs through investigation of leads from traditional system of medicines. Arthritis is a chronic, inflammatory disorder affecting primarily the joints causing numerous deformities. The prevalence of arthritis has been rising more rapidly with every passing day. To overcome this disease more and more synthetic drugs were invented, but alternate remedy is the need of the hour as they all possess severe side-effects & toxicity. The flora of herbal medicines is being widely used for the cure of arthritis. Various herbs & medicinal plants have been already documented as effective arthritis therapy. This paper focus on various aspects of arthritis, a note of different anti arthritic formulations available in market, study of the common ingredients being used in these formulations, identifying important plants with anti arthritic effect, a detail study & information of these herbal plants  and curative measures of arthritis which included various herbal treatments.


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How to Cite

Pareek, B., Bhatia, M., &  Kunal. (2021). Medicinal Plants Utilized in Marketed Anti-Arthritic Formulations. Contemporary Advances in Science and Technology, 1, 18-47.


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