Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change




carbon sequestration, climate change, global warming


The long-term storage of carbon dioxide in soils, vegetation, oceans, and geological formations, with the objective of reducing or postponing global warming, is known as carbon sequestration. It reduces the amount of greenhouse gas emitted by various human activities. Scientists estimate that there is a direct correlation between rising global temperatures and atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, with the atmosphere containing 30% more carbon today than it did 150 years ago. One recommended approach to reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide is to increase carbon storage globally through a variety of means. To slow the net rate of increase in atmospheric CO2, carbon sequestration involves storing CO2 in long-lived global pools found in forests, oceans, biomass, and geological strata. This process is crucial for the maintenance of the global carbon cycle. To combat climate change, the global community must lower carbon emissions and increase net carbon sequestration. These methods can reduce the risks associated with climate change, but it is important to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each suggested carbon sequestration strategy. The present study attempts to discuss various methods of carbon sequestration to reduce global warming.



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How to Cite

Sethi, P., & Syal, J. (2024). Carbon Sequestration and Climate Change. Contemporary Advances in Science and Technology, 7(1), 15-28.
